Radar wave control unit
The security radar antenna array consists of 4 1 × 4T/R modules (a total of 16 T/R channels). The wave controller communicates with the signal processing board, calculates the control codes for each T/R channel according to the working mode, frequency, and other requirements, and controls the working status of the 16 channel CNC phase shifter and CNC attenuator according to the timing pulse instructions. Simultaneously controlled by the signal processing board, it can operate and control the silence of 16 T/R channels. Capable of receiving the amplitude and phase difference values of 16 T/R channels sent by the signal processing board, forming an amplitude and phase control correction table for amplitude and phase consistency correction of the 16 T/R channels.
During beam transmission or reception, the wave controller does not change the characteristic parameters of the beam midway, and there is no pause phenomenon between beams, ensuring the continuity and periodicity of beam pointing. At the same time, the wave control machine has an online fault self checking function, which can detect more than 80% of its own faults and report them to the signal processing board.
The communication control relationship between the wave controller and the signal processing, power supply, and T/R modules is shown in the following diagram.